Links for further information
Further Information regarding real estate law
- standard land values NRW ( https://www.boris.nrw.de/boris-nrw (only in german) )
- cadastral plan NRW ( www.tim-online.nrw.de/tim-online2 (only in german) )
Further Information regarding inheritence law
- information on register of wills ( www.testamentsregister.de)
Further information regarding lasting power of attorney
- general information on lasting power of attorney ( Vorsorgeregister (only in german) )
- form on lasting power of attorney ( Lasting Power of Attorney )
Authorities and Courts
- Current prime rate ( www.bundesbank.de )
- Decisions of the Federal Supreme Court ( www.bundesgerichtshof.de/ )
- Decisions of the Federal Fiscal Court ( http://www.bundesfinanzhof.de/ )
- Decisions of the North Rhine-Westphalia Court of Justice ( http://www.justiz.nrw.de/ )
- Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court ( http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/ )
- German Institute of Notaries ( http://www.dnoti.de/ ) (current decisions on legal areas relevant to notaries in full text)
Chambers of Notaries
- Bundesnotarkammer ( http://www.bnotk.de/ )
- Rheinische Notarkammer ( http://www.rhnotk.de/ )
- Landesnotarkammer Bayern ( http://www.notare.bayern.de/ )
Dr. Paul Rombach, LL.M.
Dr. Claudie Rombach
Königsallee 70
40212 Düsseldorf
Phone: 0211-863272-0
Fax: 0211-863272-20
Mail: mail@notare-rombach.de